Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day at Disneyland!!

For Valentines Day Shannon took Madi to Disneyland/California Adventure. They had so much fun (as you can see). Madison loves Disneyland, especially the fast rides. She is fearless!!
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Friday, February 13, 2009

The many faces of BUBBA!!!

Madison is growing up so fast and turning into a young lady right before our eyes!!! I love this girl SOOOOOO much!
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More party pics!

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Valentine Party!

Madison and I decided it would be fun to have a little Valentines Day Party. Since they were out of school today that is when we had the party. Only a few friends were invited and some could not make it, so these cute girls came to the party. We made crafts, decorated cookies, had lunch and ran around and had fun!
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Grandpa Doug came to visit!

Madison's grandpa came to San Diego on business so we went to visit with him for a little bit. We went to TGI Fridays and this was the picture I took-the two of the with their heads on the table-SILLY!!!!
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More pictures from the visit!

James is ALL boy!
Madi was trying to hold James for a picture but not too successful!!!
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James came to visit!

Madi and Jame love eachother so much!

Cute little Madi

Madi and Papa Tim

Amber and James
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Valentine's Exchange at school!

Madison's box turned out super good!!!
Madison and her beautiful butterfly!
Madison's class had a little Valentine Party and Valentine excahnge. They made the cute little butterfly. The share for the week was to take a shoe box and decorate it for your Valentine cards. The top picture is Madi with the box she made. After they exchaged Valentines they had cookies and cupcakes out on the grass!! Being in first grade is super fun!
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A New Family Picture!

This is not a good picture but we finally took family pictures (back in October) and then it has taken me this long to buy the frames and hang them-so this gives you an idea of what the wall of pictures turned out like-mostly to show Tiffany since she doesn't get to come to my house that often!!!!
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